seabaugh interior design brookyn

What Interior Designers Do- Floor Plans

So what do interior designers do?
One of the first tasks of an interior design project are floor plans- measure and draw.
After listening to your hopes, dreams and wishes for your home, I get everything down on paper.
This is the ‘blueprint’ from which everything else flows.

When I draw each piece of furniture to scale, I can instantly see what fits and envision how it will look in your space. You will need proper spacing between your coffee table and sofa (15″ is good). You will need an easy flow between furniture groupings (24″ will not allow comfortable passage between chairs).

Are you renovating your kitchen? Let’s make sure that you have 4′ between your wall cabinets and your island. Is your kitchen also a pass through to other rooms? Let’s make sure that people can pass by when your dishwasher/oven door is open. For bathrooms, floor plans are extremely essential to maximize the space in what is usually the smallest room in the house. We carefully plan the size of a bathroom to maximize space, safety and function.

After drawing the best floor plan for my clients, I usually draw 1 or 2 elevations. These are scaled drawings of what each wall looks like if you stand facing it. Elevations enable my clients to really understand what the space will look like and the height of each object. See some examples, here…